Gajarajan M.,1 Damodaran R.,2 Jayaraman P.,3Amarjothy S.,4Saraswathy A.,5
Abstract.India has a rich flora of medicinal plant species that are widely distributed throughout the country. The term Pharmacognosy and Pharmacodynamics were probably first coined by Johann Adam Schmidt (1959-1809). It is a vital link between Indian and Allopathic systems of medicine. Aristolochiabracteolatabelonging to the family Aristolochiaceae. Aristolochiabracteolata (Syn. name AristolochiabracteataRetz).A.bracteolata is a slender perennial, stem 12-18 cm long, weak, prostrate, branched, striate and glabrous. Botanical standardisation on whole plants of A. bracteolatawas carried out in this paper.
Gajarajan M.,1 Damodaran R.,2 Jayaraman P.,3Amarjothy S.,4Saraswathy A.,5 | Aaduthinnapalai AristolochiabracteolataLam. (Aristolochiaceae) used as Indian System of Medicine | DOI:
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